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illotempore2002 26 Jul 2009 22:53

Dexters laboratory :">

p.s. nu le am cu animatiile

redmen 27 Jul 2009 09:44

Zoiks !!!

keepwalking 27 Jul 2009 13:01

"Nu zaietz pagadi!" :)

Avalhon 06 Aug 2009 10:46

Chestia aia ruseasca mai veche, aia cu iepurele si lupul ala prost. Dar nu stiu cum ii zice, ca habar rusa:| Era oricum amuzant, un fel de varianta ruseasca la Tom&Jerry.

silent_one 06 Aug 2009 14:25

That's it, I'm out of ideas, we're closed...
Hot air balloon? Too expensive.
Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous.
Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!!!

Avalhon 06 Aug 2009 15:21

Originally Posted by silent_one:

That's it, I'm out of ideas, we're closed...
Hot air balloon? Too expensive.
Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous.
Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!!!


silent_one 06 Aug 2009 15:24

no no no, anterior lui "up", tot CGI dar mai funny (opinie personala) :)

Kramer 02 Sep 2009 16:07

Originally Posted by silent_one:

That's it, I'm out of ideas, we're closed...
Hot air balloon? Too expensive.
Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous.
Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!!!

Monsters, Inc?

silent_one 02 Sep 2009 20:47

corect. next?

Kramer 02 Sep 2009 20:49

I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I died, I'm dead.

paul_aramis 02 Sep 2009 20:52

Kramer 02 Sep 2009 21:01

Good answer! Asteptam replica ta...:)

paul_aramis 03 Sep 2009 00:16

Poop in his hands! Poop in his hands!

(ştiu că o ştiţi, dar îmi place)

Judex 03 Sep 2009 00:56

Cam off topic, dar priceless. :D

'Ello, baby.

I am ze locksmith of love, no?

Come on darling, we must be grown up about zis thing; do not run away from ze love!

Hey, a gift from 'eaven!

'Ow impetuous can you get?

Look darling, per'aps I am old fashioned, but shouldn't we be introduced first?

I am Pepe Le Pew.

Zis is my first affair so, please, be kind. I'm shy but, uh, I'm willing.. [She runs away] I am playing it too cool, no?

Where are you, my little Lona Misa? I am looking to find you!

You are my peanut. I am your brittle.

Ah, my little darling, it is love at first sight, is it not, no?

Zee cabbage does not run away from zee corn-beef.

I am stupid. No?

Where are you, my little object of art?

I am going to collect you!

Don't move, darling.

I want to remember you just as you are.

Oh well, war is fine, but love is better. Right?

You found an interesting place for us, you clever you!

You know, zis bump gives me an 'eadache, but VIVE L'AMOUR!

Did you know zat when you are in love it is impossible to get insurance?

But zen, security isn't everything.

One nice thing is, ze game of love is never called on account of darkness.

Zee stripe! It is gone! She is not a skunk at all!

Permit me to introduce myself.

I am Pepe Le Pew, your lover.

Ahhh, zis little one wishes to commit suicide to prove 'er love for me.

What a sweet gesture. Nevertheless, I must prevent it!

Saved!!! [Penelope slips from his arms and falls]


We die togezzer! [Jumps after her]

When you are a skunk, you learn 'ow to 'old your breath for a long time.

A colleague of mine once noted, zere is very little difference between men and women. But, VIVE LE DIFFERENCE!!

Pretty good, eh?

For a growing boy, zat is.

Because, my darling, I am a boy and I am growing fonder of you every day!

Everyone should 'ave a 'obby, don't you think? Mine is making love.

Ah, my darling, I love you. Where 'ave I been all your life?

Ah, zis tempestous one.

She is overcome by her emotions at seeing me again.

You know, most men would get discouraged about now... fortunately for 'er, I am not most men.

Darling, you found me! 'Ow sweet! *kiss, kiss* 'Ow clever! *kiss, kiss* We will never part again!

Eh! I'm ze abdominal snowman, no?

Eenie, meenie, miney mo, catch a lover by ze toe, if she 'oller, 'old her closer; eenie, meenie, miney mosa.

Come to me, my melon baby collie.

Le hiiissssssssss!

I am a snake and you 'ave charmed me, no?

You know, it is not just a case of physical attraction.

I admire 'er mind too.

Zere are plenty of fish in ze ocean... if you like fish.

Personally, I prefer girls. Hmmmm, call it a weakness.

You know, it may be possible to be TOO attractive.

I tell you what. You stop resisting me, and I, I will stop resisting you. When 'ave you 'ad a better offer zan zat?

I must find out what zis 'pew' means every time I appear.

Turn out zee lights, darling. I know where everything is.

She want to play it zee lover's chase. It is ze little girl in 'er. C'est l'amour.

Where are you, pigeon?

I am ze broken heart of love. I am ze disillusioned and wish to enlist in ze foreign legion so I may forget. Take me!

A pitiful case, am I not?

No matter 'ow I disguise myself, you smell me out.

Come, pink pigeon, we are wasting valuable time!

For some strange reason zis little orchid is shy.

Vive la republique!

Dashing, no?

Quel es? Ahhh, la petite femme skunk fatale! The post of 'onour can wait, no? Tch - tch!

Ah, ma cherie, zis is an affaire d'amour, is it not?

It is an affair of we love each ozzer madly!


What is this? Oh, but of course! Zis small one, she is wish to put on 'er face before we continue ze wooing!

Are you lipsticked and mascared, little one?

But darling, tomorrow I may be shipped overseas!

You know, one of the mysteries of my life is, why a woman run away when all she really wish is to be captured.

Almost like shooting fish in a barrel.


I am ze sheikh, no?

But madame!
Madame, control yourself! Your conduct is untimely, control yourself! Madame!

Why is it when a man is captured by a woman, all 'ee wish to do is get away?

Quel es? Ahhh, la belle femme skunk fatale! Tch - tch!

Do not come with me to ze casbah, we shall make beautiful musics togezzer right 'ere!

I missed, fortunately for you.

So now ma cherie, we can begin life anew!

C'est la guerre.

Who is it? [Sees soaking wet Penelope] Oh, it is you again.. [She locks the door and hides the key]

What can I do.. to.. 'elp.. you?

Why do you lock zee..? Oh no! [She starts to move towards him] Control yourself, madame! [He begins to walk backwards]

You cannot be in earnest!

Joke, yes? No! [He runs away]

Eh, wait a just minute! Quel es?

Oh, a female lady skunk of ze fair sex!

You know, I think I deserve a vacation! [Runs away]

You know, I suddenly realize, I never learned 'ow to swim! Ho ho, silly me!

All right cherie, ze courtship is over!

Eh, I am a creamy puff, no?

Now zen cherie, en guarde!

'Ello, cherie.

All is fair in love and war, eh darling?

All right buttercup, you 'ave done all zat could be expected.

You 'ave resisted your natural impulses and run away from me.

You little flirt!

Charming situation, is it not?

I am your guide to love, no?

Navigator to pilot: pretty girl at three o'clock, over!

Pilot to Navigator: wow wow!!! Over!

I pierce you with the eck - eck of love, flower pot!

I always got A's in gym.

Darling, 'ow good of you to wait for me.

A true gentleman must be prepared for anything.

She look everywhere for me, she find me, zen she run away. Why??

Strong will, am I not?

Come back darling, golden violet!

I will unshy you!

You are just insecure.

All you need is a little occupational therapy, like making love!

Ze best things of life are worth waiting for.
Baby doll!

I am se peanut butter. Yuo are ze jelly. Come, let us make a sandwich of love.

silent_one 07 Sep 2009 10:29

Originally Posted by paul_aramis:

Poop in his hands! Poop in his hands!

(ştiu că o ştiţi, dar îmi place)

G Force?

paul_aramis 07 Sep 2009 11:47

corect. bagă.

silent_one 07 Sep 2009 11:51

parafrazez, pt ca nu am sursa la indemana :)
"Let's get something straight! There is no us! In fact, without me, there wouldn't even be a you!"

Kramer 07 Sep 2009 15:56

Ice age?

silent_one 07 Sep 2009 15:59

ice age the first... yes
u next

Kramer 07 Sep 2009 16:01

I couldn't believe it. One minute I was free and the next: More ropes.

paul_aramis 07 Sep 2009 16:20

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)

altul la rând.

silent_one 08 Sep 2009 12:00

ca sa nu sedem degeaba, pun eu citat. din nou, usoara parfrazare din amintiri

"I have weapons you will not dare use. Fear rules man. While summoning all the dark powers, i will infest the spirit of man so that he uses his science and logic to destroy himself. What havoc i'll raise. Turn brother against brother. Greed and avarice shall prevail. And those who will not hear my voice shall pay the price. I'll teach man to use his machines, i'll show him what distorted science can give birth to, i'll teach him to fly like the faeries and i'll give the ultimate answer to all his science can ask."
"While your powers die, mine will flourish. Man will never inherit my domain, for i am making man mine. He will understand and come to desire my magic. It is inevitable, you will see."

paul_aramis 08 Sep 2009 12:05

Ommadon în The flight of Dragons (1982). altul la rând.

I will not concieve defeat by this modern world. I will not retire to this fools paradise...I have weapons that you would not dare use. Fear rules man. By summoning all the dark powers, I will invest the spirit of man so he will use his science and logic to destroy himself...Turn brother against brother. Greed and avarice shall prevail. And those who will not hear my words shall pay the price. I'll trech man how to use his machines. I'll show him what distorted science can give birth to. I'll tech him to fly like a fairy. And I'll give the ultimate answer to all his science can ask. And the world will be free for my magic again...While your powers die, mine will flourish! Man will not inherit my domain. I am making man mine!

silent_one 08 Sep 2009 12:09

wow... cat de aproape am fost :))

silent_one 08 Sep 2009 12:12

Darn it, I am an astronomer, not a doctor! I mean I am a doctor, but not that kind of doctor, I have a doctorate but that's not the same thing, you can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit here and you're useless!

paul_aramis 08 Sep 2009 12:17

Dr. Delbert Doppler în Treasure planet (2002)

silent_one 08 Sep 2009 12:21

"corectomundo", k sa il citez p jules
mai pune si tu :)

paul_aramis 08 Sep 2009 12:29

mi-e lene ...

silent_one 08 Sep 2009 16:19

"You tell me where my suit is woman! We are talking about the greater good!!"
"Greater good?! I am your wife! I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna see!"

paul_aramis 08 Sep 2009 18:49

The incredibles (2004):D

Ilila 09 Sep 2009 10:33

She brings home a sword. If you ask me she should've brought home a man!

silent_one 09 Sep 2009 11:12

To be or not to be? - Shakespeare
To do is to be. - Plato
To be is to do. - Aristotle
Scooby dooby do. - Sinatra
Yabba dabba do - Fred Flintstone

silent_one 09 Sep 2009 11:32

Well, you know how men are... They think "no" means "yes" and "get lost" means "take me, I'm yours". Don't worry, shorty here can explain it to you later...

paul_aramis 09 Sep 2009 11:37

Megara în Hercules (1997)

Kramer 24 Oct 2009 21:26

"Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes? "

a durat prea mult pauza de la sectiunea asta...:)

Lili1982 25 Oct 2009 10:13

Parca e din Monsters Inc. ??

Astept confirmarea...

silent_one 25 Oct 2009 11:42

Originally Posted by Kramer:

"Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes? "

si continuarea :)

mike: ”i get a time out?”
randall: ”everyone goes to lunch!! which means the scare floor will be..... ???”
mike: ”painted???”
randall: ”empty!!!!! it will be empty you idiot!”

yap, monsters inc. , confirm eu ;)


Lili1982 25 Oct 2009 19:17

Ok...atunci postez :)

"This is crazy. I finally meet my childhood hero and he's trying to kill us. What a joke."

Kramer 25 Oct 2009 19:24


Lili1982 26 Oct 2009 17:09

Da :D ... Baga replica !

Kramer 26 Oct 2009 18:23

This is called farming! You kids are gonna grow all kinds of plants! Vegetable plants, pizza plants...
Oh, it's good to be home!

paul_aramis 26 Oct 2009 18:49

WALL·E (2008)>

silent_one 27 Oct 2009 14:45

yes, yes

sau postez eu?

paul_aramis 27 Oct 2009 16:07

yo (man) nu postez

Lili1982 27 Oct 2009 19:35

Hai ca pun eu ceva la repezeala :)

"Give it up old man, you can't fight evolution, I was built for speed!"

silent_one 27 Oct 2009 19:37

ceea ce este o contradictie in termeni, avand in vedere ca #47 este totusi o postare...

imi pot asuma dreptul la replica?

”Oh, she'll kill me one day or another. But she will remember forever that i caught her, and i held her captive. So, there's my immortality! ”

Lili1982 27 Oct 2009 20:28

Originally Posted by silent_one:

ceea ce este o contradictie in termeni, avand in vedere ca #47 este totusi o postare...

imi pot asuma dreptul la replica?

”Oh, she'll kill me one day or another. But she will remember forever that i caught her, and i held her captive. So, there's my immortality! ”

E din The Last Unicorn ??

silent_one 28 Oct 2009 11:46

yap, last unicorn

Originally Posted by Lili1982:

Hai ca pun eu ceva la repezeala :)

"Give it up old man, you can't fight evolution, I was built for speed!"

si "cars"

Lili1982 28 Oct 2009 19:45

Originally Posted by silent_one:

yap, last unicorn

Originally Posted by Lili1982:

Hai ca pun eu ceva la repezeala :)

"Give it up old man, you can't fight evolution, I was built for speed!"

si "cars"

Ma bucur ca am ghicit ! Tu in schimb esti departe de adevar... Un prim indiciu sunt replicile dinaintea celei citate de mine din aceasta animatie ;) !

"So, we're cheating death now, that's what we're doing, and we're having fun at the same time, I can do this, just be careful...
Yeah, be careful I don't make you cry when I win!
Oh I don't think so!
Give it up old man, you can't fight evolution, I was built for speed!"

silent_one 28 Oct 2009 19:48

omg, cum am putut sa incurc??? sa imi fie rusine! X(

„finding nemooooo”

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