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rifa 24 Aug 2010 05:08

De asteptat sunt si The Tree of Life si True Grit... cel putin the Tree of Life ar putea sa ne ofere ceva frumos :D

miercuri 24 Aug 2010 06:11

Originally Posted by rifa:

cel putin the Tree of Life ar putea sa ne ofere ceva frumos :D

Daca o sa iasa vreodata, ca de doi ani se tot zvoneste.

rifa 29 Aug 2010 20:40

Originally Posted by miercuri:

Daca o sa iasa vreodata, ca de doi ani se tot zvoneste.

S-a terminat de filmat la el. Din cate am citit, Malick se chinuie la montajul filmului.

Malick has not finished cutting the movie down from three to two and a half hours. (Back at the University of Texas at Austin, he lets film students take a crack at editing various scenes.) The film was submitted to the MPAA and received a PG-13 rating.

Another person with an investment in the movie is Pitt, who according to someone who has seen it, gives an awards-worthy performance, along with Jessica Chastain as his wife (Penn stars in the film’s book-ends, apparently). The movie is technically gorgeous (shot by Emmanuel Lubezki), an experimental, non-conventional narrative, says the source: “It’s a mystical exploration of the meaning of life, a journey in which a microcosm of a family mirrors the world; the differences between man and woman, husband and wife, are mirrored against nature and grace. It will change the language of movies. It’s a real event. People will say, ‘what the fuck is this?’”

Jack Fisk designed the film, while Douglas Trumbull (2001: A Space Odyssey) supervised the practical visual effects, and composer Alexandre Desplat assembled a classical score.

>:) >:) >:) >:)

Chambord 02 Sep 2010 11:35

Fall Preview: The 33 Must See Films

1. The Tree of Life (Release Date: ??; Distributor: ??)

Why is it a “Must See”? If it does indeed come out by year’s end, this could be quite the cinematic event. Malick has only made five films in his near 40 year career, and the four that came before “Life” have all been heralded by critics and often end up on best-film-ever type lists. “The Tree of Life” may be a mystery, but chances are it’s going to be one that delivers.

In spuma mea, pai haideti odataaaaaaa

R_Afc 11 Sep 2010 20:11

Deocamdata, am doar un top 7:

1. Shutter Island
2. You Don't Know Jack
3. Inception
4. Iron- Man 2
5. Despicable Me
6. Toy Story 3
7. Green Zone

rifa 12 Sep 2010 19:58

Originally Posted by Chambord:

Fall Preview: The 33 Must See Films

1. The Tree of Life (Release Date: ??; Distributor: ??)

Why is it a “Must See”? If it does indeed come out by year’s end, this could be quite the cinematic event. Malick has only made five films in his near 40 year career, and the four that came before “Life” have all been heralded by critics and often end up on best-film-ever type lists. “The Tree of Life” may be a mystery, but chances are it’s going to be one that delivers.

In spuma mea, pai haideti odataaaaaaa

cica in 2011 va fi lansat in cinematografe prin ianuarie-februarie :( ... faza fun e ca va fi lansat limited prin octombrie-noiembrie asta ca sa prinda selectia Academiei... :-? e si asta o promovare buna la urma urmei. tre' sa-si scoata si ei banii...

Chambord 13 Sep 2010 08:52

Eu am auzit ca e chitit pt Cannes 2011. Dar tot asa se zicea si de editia 2010. Ma rog, nu stiu daca Malick sau producatorii au facut intentionat toata mascarada asta cu premiera dar cert e ca toata lumea e si mai atenta acum.

miercuri 14 Sep 2010 00:01

Iti dai seama ce penibil ar fi daca pana la urma nu ar fi *chiar* asa de bun. :P

Chambord 14 Sep 2010 21:45

normal, odata cu atentia si asteptarile au crescut mult.
dar avand in vedere ca omul n-a ratat practic nici o lovitura pana acum, e greu de crezut ca s-ar pricepe sa faca ceva "nu chiar atat de bun" :)

sergiuseling 14 Sep 2010 22:36

Sau din potrivă am văzut că este neserios și l-am uitat.
Cert e că nu va mai apărea anul acesta în România, deci nu va mai fi în top Filme 2010.

Chambord 23 Sep 2010 08:56

“Meek’s Cutoff,” “Tabloid” and James Franco Top indieWIRE’s Toronto Poll _poll/

bugs 23 Sep 2010 18:00

1.Shutter Island
2.Prince of Persia

dani9305 24 Sep 2010 16:59

cum ziceti voi!!!
dar nu inteleg ce e asa frumos la ''eu cand vreau sa fluier ,fluier!

Pitbull 24 Sep 2010 17:01

Copile, scrie mai coerent, ca nu se intelege nimic.

E.Floares 24 Sep 2010 20:24

Pana acum, anul asta nu a avut cam niciun film de nota 10 din cinematografele noastre, dupa parerea mea.

Oricum, e cam devreme sa facem un top 2010, tinand cont ca cele mai astepte filme, ce au aparut in cadrul festivalurilor importante, vin in cinema-uri abia in toamna-iarna, chiar inceput de 2011.

De mentionat, ar fi totusi: Marti, dupa Craciun, Inception, Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier, Kick-ass, The book of Eli.

Disciple 24 Sep 2010 23:18

Topurile se pot updata. Ideea acestui topic, nu e neaparat una statistica, ci poate stimula niste discutii interesante intre cinefili de pe aici.

RomaniaMare 30 Sep 2010 23:35

2 filme mi-au atras atentia deosebit in 2010 : Inception si The Shutter Island .

RomaniaMare 30 Sep 2010 23:40

Originally Posted by RomaniaMare:

2 filme mi-au atras atentia deosebit in 2010 : Inception si The Shutter Island .

A,si mi-am mai amintit inca 2 filme pe care mi-am le-am pus (pe linga cele de mai sus) la loc de cinste in arhiva personala : Green Zone si From Paris with Love .

E.Floares 01 Oct 2010 00:50

E clar.

septick 03 Oct 2010 18:07

N-am vazut destul de multe filme anul acesta, incat sa fac un top, dar... in fine:
1. Inception
2. Despicable me
3. Morgen
4. Alice in Wonderland
5. Sherlock Holmes
6. Robin Hood

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