View Full Version : ALIEN VS PREDATOR

14 Sep 2003, 15:18
Plot Summary: The film won't involve any of the human characters from the films’ previous efforts, instead using entirely new individuals. The story looks to involve human scientists going on an expedition to Antarctica to lure Predator hunters, using Alien eggs as bait. The plans quickly go awry and the humans find themselves in the crossfire between two warring alien species.

Astia ce mai au de gand ? Sunt curios cum o sa iasa filmu asta ... Ce parere avetzi ? Cum ce ochi privitzi acest nou roiect ?

14 Sep 2003, 15:52
Vrei sa stii parerea mea? Va fi un esec total, pentru ca Anderson este total lipsit de imaginatie si originalitate. S-a vazut in RE si ma tem ca se va vedea mai bine in RE:A.

20 Sep 2003, 01:42
I can't wait!!! Eu am crescut cu Alien si Predator, da? Ei m-au invatzat tot ce aveam nevoie sa stiu despre viatza: kill or be killed, the law of the jungle, "you're an ugly mother*****".
Abia astept sa vad the battle of the century... millenium even!