Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture

(1990) - Serial TV

Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture

Poster Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture Poster Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture

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Nota IMDB: 6.3
Bonnie Bedelia Bonnie Bedelia Hannah McGrath Roy Scheider Roy Scheider Paul Marish, Photographer Andre Braugher Andre Braugher Dan Weston, Time Magazine Reporter
Robert Carradine Robert Carradine Police Sgt. Jerry Brown Marc Macaulay Marc Macaulay Supt. Stanton Antoni Corone Antoni Corone Mike Knighton, Ex-cop/D.A.'s Assistant
Arliss Howard Arliss Howard Raymond Eames Tom Nowicki Tom Nowicki Steve March (Eames trial prosecuting attorney/District Attorney) Traber Burns Traber Burns Ron Felders
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