Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense

(1984) - Serial TV

Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense

Poster Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense Postere Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense
  • Durata

    70 minute
  • Rating

Sinopsis Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense

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Nota IMDB: 7.2
David Carradine David Carradine  Harris / ... (1 episode, 1984) Marcus Gilbert Marcus Gilbert Jenny Seagrove Jenny Seagrove  Sara Helston (1 episode, 1984)
Dean Stockwell Dean Stockwell  Greg Denver (1 episode, 1984) Dirk Benedict Dirk Benedict  Frank Rowlett (1 episode, 1984) Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips  Sandra Lorenz (1 episode, 1984)
Shirley Knight Shirley Knight  Ann Fairfax Denver (1 episode, 1984) Carol Lynley Carol Lynley  Sylvia Daly (1 episode, 1984) Christopher Cazenove Christopher Cazenove  Frank Daly (1 episode, 1984)
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