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Old 11 Sep 2009, 10:34   #221
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Originally Posted by illotempore2002:
Soc....as in...soc emotional, psihic?


citisem in adolescenta o povestioara despre un tip (brazilian parca) care nu mai putea sa doarma deloc de vreo 20 de ani. atunci il invidiam, ma gandeam ca trebuie sa fie grozav ca tu sa traiesti (si sa faci ce poftesti) in vreme ce altii isi irosesc din viata, prin somn

tipul asta insa nu putea nici sa viseze
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Old 11 Sep 2009, 11:16   #222
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Cred ca nu avea nevoie sa viseze pt ca oricum traia ca intr-un vis.
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Old 11 Sep 2009, 11:25   #223
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Originally Posted by illotempore2002:
Cred ca nu avea nevoie sa viseze pt ca oricum traia ca intr-un vis.

se plictisea

toti ceilalti il paraseau, noaptea

cel putin o treime din viata era absolut singur
iar zilele au inceput sa arate aidoma - avea deja o certitudine

Last edited by Deleted : 11 Sep 2009 at 11:30.
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Old 11 Sep 2009, 11:30   #224
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Dar mai groaznica decat neputinta de a dormi mi se pare catalepsia, aflata la polul opus, cand somul survine brusc, in timp ce vorbesti sau pe strada.
I am not lucky, I am good...
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Old 11 Sep 2009, 11:35   #225
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Aia e narcolepsia. cand adormi ca loseru pe strada.

catalepsia e un soi de epilepsie.
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Old 11 Sep 2009, 11:37   #226
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Originally Posted by Gloria:
Dar mai groaznica decat neputinta de a dormi mi se pare catalepsia, aflata la polul opus, cand somul survine brusc, in timp ce vorbesti sau pe strada.


Last edited by Deleted : 11 Sep 2009 at 11:51.
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Old 12 Sep 2009, 12:04   #227
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Un amic englez mi-a lasat cele 2 pisici ale lui in grija pana se intoarce din Manchaster si una din pisici a disparut ce dracu ii zic?
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Old 12 Sep 2009, 12:08   #228
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Ca de`abia reusesti sa ai grija de tine,d`apoi de pisicile lui.
I had some problems with my screenplay so I bought that book .. "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days".That was a year ago. (Christopher Moltisanti)
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Old 12 Sep 2009, 12:16   #229
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Ha ha, chiar asa e...
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Old 13 Sep 2009, 19:19   #230
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Nu e de mirare. Pisicile sunt legate de LOCURI. Cel mai probabil, pisica dispärutä dä acum târcoale locuintei cu care s-a obisnuit.
(In 1966, casa unde copilärisem - în spatele actualului bloc Stefanel de pe Calea Victoriei, vis-a-vis de Biserica Albä, lângä Hotel Bucuresti - s-a demolat. Bätrâna vecinä de apartament, Tanti Adeli, avea, în acel moment, douäsprezece pisici. Fiicä-sa, Neli, nu i-a dat voie sä ia la noua locuintä decât sase. Pe celelalte sase le-a dat altor vecini din zonä, nedemolati. Dar n-a trecut mult, si trei dintre ele au reapärut pe locul fostei case, derutate însä insistente...)

Scumpe Cinemaniac, de la #233 mutä la Animals' Zone - a depäsit simpla nefericire illotemporarä (ba chiar si illopermanentä), devenind thread de fond.

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Old 13 Sep 2009, 20:19   #231
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Pai daca se duce la casa unde locuieste in mod uzual, nu o sa gaseasca pe nimeni, ce naiba face?
deja au trecut 3-4 zile de cand lipseste in plus englezu' sta departe de mine
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Old 13 Sep 2009, 20:25   #232
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Da, avem o problemä... Ce-i drept, cumva o sä se descurce ea, bântuind asa în stare de semi-sälbäticie (pisicile sunt foarte independente si self-sufficient), dar nici prea usor nu-i va fi... Dacä n-o gäseste nimeni, putem doar sä speräm cä se va reintegra o datä cu revenirea stäpânului.
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Old 15 Sep 2009, 04:43   #233
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Iubesc mai multe femei deodata. Iar cea pe care o iubesc cel mai mult s-a dovedit a fi magarita.
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Old 15 Sep 2009, 07:16   #234
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Nu e o gluma.
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Old 15 Sep 2009, 08:48   #235
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...am racit ingrozitor, am gatul umbflat cat o buturuga si ma dor muschii si capul
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Old 15 Sep 2009, 09:12   #236
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As I used to tell you - lemon and honey!
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Old 16 Sep 2009, 15:24   #237
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Sunt nefericita pentru ca ma plictisesc , nu am ce face . Chef sa citesc n-am , nici macar sa ma uit la televizor . Ma simt obosita , dar nu vreau sa dorm .
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 16 Sep 2009, 15:51   #238
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Originally Posted by Mikala:
Sunt nefericita pentru ca ma plictisesc , nu am ce face . Chef sa citesc n-am , nici macar sa ma uit la televizor . Ma simt obosita , dar nu vreau sa dorm .
Pai sa-ti zicem la multi ani pt acum cateva zile.
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Old 16 Sep 2009, 16:01   #239
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Multumesc frumos . Se pare ca doar tu ai vazut ca a fost ziua mea
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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Old 17 Sep 2009, 17:08   #240
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Eu inca sunt nefericita ca e urata fara si n-am chef sa stau in casa , dar voi gasi eu ceva de facut .
" It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly 's wing can ultimately cause a thyphoon halfway around the world " - Chaos Theory

" Vanity - definitely my favourite sin. " - Al Pacino [ Devil's Advocate ]
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