Thread: The Fountain
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Old 23 Jan 2010, 14:08   #84
Snob Elitist
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Eu am senzatia ca e posibil ca acest film sa aiba, totusi, un sens. Spun asta pentru ca de la prima vizionare si pana in prezent, si dupa ce am scormonit prin toate colturile internetului, filmul imi apare de 1000 de ori mai limpede decat la inceput. De aceea, cred ca e posibil ca prin nu stiu ce colturi ale planetei, sa fie cineva pentru care filmul chiar are noima.
Dar chiar si fara un sens inteligibil, numai ca poezie audio-vizuala, ce poate fi doar simtita, pentru mine filmul inseamna o atmosfera de un nivel spiritual ce nu l-a mai atins niciun alt film, si o iubire de o profunzime ce transcende ecranul.

PS: O perspectiva interesanta intr-un comentariu de pe IMDb:

" Yes! I finally figured it out! (spoilers obviously)

1. The story begins in 2000, and Tom Creo is trying to save his wife, who is dying from cancer. During his search for a cure, he stumbles upon the fabled Tree of Life. When his wife dies, he becomes enraged and afraid of death ("Death is a disease") and begins researching the Tree.

2. Obviously, he fails in his research, but since he's so *beep* afraid of death ("Please, please, I'm afraid") he begins to feed off the Tree, prolonging his lifespan, but slowly killing the Tree in the process.

3. Somewhere near 2500 the Tree can't take it anymore and says goodbye to Creo. Since Creo failed in his quest for immortality, humanity is now extinct, and he is the "Last Man". In a vain attempt to bring the Tree back to life Creo takes it to Xibalba, because he thinks the light of the supernova would re-energize it ("Somewhere behind those clouds is a dying star... You will bloom again"). He does so not because he wants to resurrect his long-dead wife as many suggested, but to get immortality for himself ("And I will live").

4. As he slowly approaches the dying nebula in his "eco-spaceship", the memories of his wife begin to haunt him. He hates those memories ("Leave me, leave me alone!") and tries to rationalize his own behavior back in 2000 ("Hey, what are you doing here? I have work to do" - multiple times).

5. The "ghost" of his wife (really just a figment of his own sub-consciousness) tries to tell him that death is not a disease, but rather a road to awe, and that if he dies now, they will still "live forever, together".

6. These words are further evidenced by the fact that Creo, now supposed to be all buddhist and "enlightened", has already remembered one of his past lives, when he was a conquistador at the court of the Queen of Spain. His wife also seemed to remember that past life and even wrote a book about it, the titular "Fountain".

7. Up until the end nothing suggests that conquistador Tomas and Tommy Creo are the same person, but then the "enlightened" mayan priest sees the vision of the future (Creo in his spaceship) and tells the movie audiences that Tomas is the First Father (meaning that he will become a First Father in 2500).

8. In 2500, Creo finally puts on the ring he dropped in his past life and dies, re-energizing the Tree and creating a whole new universe in the process (or at least according to the mayan creation myth), thus finally becoming a First Father.

9. It is presumed that he and Izzy are both resurrected in the next life, but will probably make the same mistakes all over again.

Additional questions
In one of the last scenes taking place in 2500, Creo first screams in anger at his wife's "ghost" ("Leave me, leave me alone!"), but then sees Queen Izabel in her place, and his expression suddenly changes to that of sad happiness. Why?
Because up until that moment Creo didn't realize that the Queen of Spain and Izzy were the same reincarnated being (the fact that they share the same appearance in the film is just a visual metaphor). Thus, he didn't believe in being "together, forever". But then he enters the final stage of his "buddhist enlightenment" and understands that not only he himself was reincarnated, but his wife too. At this very moment, he excepts death, excepts the ring of the Queen instead of Izzy's ring he lost (since both women are the same entity anyway ) and dies in peace. "
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