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Old 09 May 2012, 22:38   #21
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,664
Loki nu e un villain care sa se impuna din punct de vedere fizic,de aia nu a rezistat prea mult in lupta.Ca sa te lamuresti,uite descrierea de pe pagina sa de wikipedia:

Throughout their childhood and into adolescence, Loki was resentful of the differences in which he and Thor were treated by the citizens of Asgard. The Asgardians valued great strength, tenacity, and bravery in battle above all things, and Loki was clearly inferior to his foster brother Thor in those areas. What he lacked in size and strength, however, he made up for in power and skill, particularly as a sorcerer. As Loki grew to adulthood, his natural talent for causing mischief would make itself manifest and earned him a nickname as the "God of Lies and Mischief"; his mischievousness eventually became malice as his hunger for power and revenge grew stronger. Several times he tried to use tricks to get rid of Thor, like telling him to guard a hole in the wall he had made. In time, his reputation grew from being a playful and mischievous trickster to the "God of Evil". Over the centuries, Loki attempted on many occasions to seize rulership of Asgard and to destroy Thor.

P.S: Navele seamana intre ele si pentru ca ILM a creat efectele speciale pentru toate filmele din care ai pus poze,Ben.
I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.

Last edited by Kriss_Kringle : 09 May 2012 at 22:44.
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