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Old 04 Apr 2020, 22:55   #20
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: În Universul nr.1
Posts: 1,880

Originally Posted by Jack Hodge:

How are each of the MBTI types dealing with the pandemic?

INTJ (the architect): Stays at home, as usual, nothing has changed. The INTJ is probably working on some odd project.
INTP (the logician): not only does he buy an obscene amount of toilet paper, but he begins making is own, somehow.
ENTJ (the commander): Establishes a doomsday shelter and delegates a bureaucracy should they be the only ones left alive.
ENTP (the debater): He knows he is low risk, so he doesn’t care.
INFJ (the advocate): So what there’s a lockdown? I stay at home all day anyway.
INFP (the mediator): Helps console others amidst the chaos around them.
ENFJ (the protagonist): Continually clashes with the ENTJ about leadership and decisions.
ENFP (the campaigner): Is hired by the ENTJ to advertise their doomsday shelter.
ISTJ (the logistician): tags along with the INTP.
ISFJ (the defender): No disease can wipe out the most common personality type!
ESTJ (the executive): Is the second in command of the doomsday shelter
ESFJ (the consul): formerly the most popular kid in the 80’s, now he’s making a comeback.
ISTP (the virtuoso): It’s all a government lie!
ISFP (the adventurer): *goes to China anyways*
ESTP (the entrepreneur): stars a toilet paper company and makes millions
ESFP (the entertainer): Dangit! I have to cancel my comedy shows now.
Cinematografia însăși e doar un roman gigantic scris din foarte multe unghiuri și citirea lui durează doar o secundă în viața Universului.

Intensitatea universului în care trăiesc se traduce prin viața cu specia mea și-mi recunosc limitele când conștientizez granițele Universului.

Viață = timp = distanță = viteză = Univers = Poveste = cinematografie.
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