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Old 20 Nov 2017, 13:17   #111
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 137
Nu pot sa-i pun intr-o anumita ordine pentru ca imi plac toti in mod egal !

- Jake Gyllenhaal - ''Southpaw'', ''Nightcrawler'' etc.
- Christian Bale - ''The Machinist'', ''American Hustle'', ''The Prestige'', ''The Fighter'' etc.
- Ryan Gosling - ''The Ides of March'', ''Drive'', ''Lars and the Real Girl'' etc.
- Dane DeHaan - ''A Cure for Wellness'', ''Chronicle''
- Edward Norton - ''American History X '', ''Fight Club'', ''Primal Fear'' etc.
- Keanu Reeves - ''The Devil's Advocate'', ''Point Break'', ''Street Kings'' etc.
- Bradley Cooper - ''Silver Linings Playbook'', ''Limitless'', ''American Sniper''
- Matt Damon - ''The Martian'', ''Green Zone'', ''The Talented Mr. Ripley'' etc.
- Matthew McConaughey - ''Interstellar'', ''True Detective'' etc.
- James McAvoy - ''Split'', ''Filth'', ''Atonement'' etc.
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