Thread: ANIME-uri
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Old 29 Jun 2017, 21:17   #377
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Anime vs Cartoons: A Comparative Analysis

Whether you prefer one or the other, there's notable differences between what's popular in American animation versus Japanese animation. What caused the art of animation to evolve so differently in these two countries, and how have the different approaches been coming together in recent years?

American cartoons vs. anime. People get really opinionated on this topic. On one hand, there's those who throw a fit if you dare call any anime a "cartoon" because "cartoons are for kids." On the other hand, "anime is teh s uck". No one would deny there's pretty big differences between the Japanese and American animation industries, but is one truly greater than the other? And as anime increases in influence in the West, are they starting to share more in common?


Let this be clear: American cartoons don't all suck. Neither does all anime (though you probably knew that if you're on an anime website). Sturgeon's Law (that "ninety percent of everything is crap") holds equally true on both sides of the Pacific. Having a general preference for one country's animation over the other is understandable as a matter of personal taste, but you can't paint all of a country's animation with one brush. To dismiss The Iron Giant and Rick and Morty as "American trash" while claiming Garzey's Wing is somehow elevated above a "mere cartoon" by virtue of its national origin is absurd. Dismissing Grave of the Fireflies and Fullmetal Alchemist as "junk for kids" while singing nostalgic praises for He-Man is equally idiotic.


While the quality of cartoons from America and Japan may not see a significant difference as a whole, there are distinct trends in the popular styles and genres of American cartoons versus anime. American cartoons trend towards comedy, and while they haven't always been aimed at kids, the majority of American animation is family-friendly. Anime has its comedies and its kids/family shows, but the range of genres and demographics is much wider, including realistic dramas that are almost never considered for animation in America.

The differences between the two animation industries can be explained historically. The first American cartoons were theatrical short subjects. When you went to the movies in the 1930s, you'd be paying for a full experience, with newsreels and shorts - both animated and live action - preceding the feature (there was also often a cheaper "B movie" following the main attraction). In that context, animated shorts were most effective as little bursts of comedy. They also served as ways to showcase studios' music libraries - a precursor to the music video - establishing a connection between the cartoon and the musical that doesn't really exist in Japan (but oddly enough, there are lots of stage musicals based on anime - yet hardly any actual anime musicals).


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