Thread: "Black Swan"
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Old 08 Feb 2011, 17:17   #42
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Posts: 623
"De acelasi lucru s-a plans lumea si la Sweeney Todd, ca de ce nu au angajat persoane capabile sa cante pe Broadway. Chestia e ca atat Sweeney, cat si Black Swan sunt FILME, prin urmare aveau nevoie de actori care sa si cante/danseze, nu invers."

iote fleosc, de parca nu exista actori care sa cinte bine. vrei sa-ti dau exemple de musicaluri reusite? cind itz hiriie vocean cap miemie totuna c mutre face.punct.

"Nu e acelasi lucru sa pui un dansator sa interpreteze sau sa pui un actor sa danseze."

bla bla, nu spun ca in locul lui portman trebuia sa fie o balerina ci doar ca filmul trebuia sa contina si ceva balet. d exemplu rivala ei putea sa fie o balerina adevarata. Mila Kunis nu arata a balerina de nici o culoare. nu e in stare sa umble ca una. winona???? nici macar postura nu are. please... c colectie de toape.

"-ar putea da drept balerina si m-ar convinge”

pe tine, nu ma indoiesc...

“LOL nu e ca si cum asta ar fi fost un twist”

LOL, nici nu era vorba de twist. scenariul e atit de prost ca nici macar nu emite pretentia la twist. E cliseic pina la nesimtire.

“Filmul e mai degraba un character study”

si aici rateaza, portman e doar alb-negru

“medicii trebuie jucati de medici si politistii de politisti”

Agumentul asta e unul din cele mai imbecile pentru ca in filme nu sunt bolnavi adevarati sau infractori adevarati, dar dansul e ceva real, pentru care iti trebuie dansatori reali. vezi cum vii tu cu argumente de caca, doar ca sa te faci de ris?

“ si ma vad fortata sa recurg iarasi la analogia cu spectacolele de balet, you don't watch them for the plot, you watch them for the execution”

buticut zicea: “Chestia e ca atat Sweeney, cat si Black Swan sunt FILME, prin urmare aveau nevoie de actori care sa si cante/danseze, nu invers.”

pai daca e film, atunci e nevoie si de un twist, nu-i asa? ca balet nu prea vedem. portman, in registrul ei limitat isi face treaba bine, dar nu e de ajuns. daca e film, vreau si poveste, nu doar un exercitiu de acting.

Black Swan is billed as a Thriller - NOTHING - nothing was thrilling in this movie. In fact there were some laughs in the crowd at some of the overdone/hokey "Thrilling" scenes.

We all know that Natalie Portman is one of the best weepers and criers in film but Aronofsky sure lets her beat it to death in this one. Honestly, felt like it could have used a couple more rewrites. She's weepy and whiny and needy the entire film until she beats up ( or thinks she beats up ) her ballerina competitor.

the moment we've been waiting for is magnificent, and magnificently portrayed by.... / / / / a metamorphosis on stage where she literally turns into a great black bird: the itching she feels and the scratches she tries to cover up are in fact the passionate nature she represses. But the filmmaker insisted on bludgeoning us with horror-film clichés and violence ad nauseam (literally... we see her vomit three times, suffer hallucinations where she is ripping her skin off, stabbing someone with a shard of glass, watching while a former ballerina gouges her face with a nail file, etc. etc.). The horror genre has already been there done that with the clichés about the distortions in the mirror, the blood in the bathroom sink, the startling appearance of a reflection or worse.

When you aim for high melodrama as a director, you always risk being on the verge of silliness and parody, and Black Swan is an easy target for parody, similar to movies like Fatal Attraction. Everything is high pitched in this film, shrieking and squalling until we're left with only a portrait of madness that is one-dimensional and unsatisfying.

Black Swan offers a virtuoso performance by Natalie Portman, but a performance of what? The film is heavy handed and clichéd, a pseudo Hitchcockian effort that might have impressed audiences in the '50s with its armchair psychology (controlling mother, repressed sexuality, obsessive need for perfection) but will alienate rather than allure most film goers.

Anything stupendous is worthy of admiration ...including stupidity.
(asta e dupa mine explicatia succesului acestui film)

A Black Swan for the Birdbrained
Era ninja. Era Kuji-kiri, si dincolo de Kuji-Kiri, era Kobudera, de care se temea pana si al sau sensei Kan-aku na ninjutsu. Era magie.
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