Thread: Oscar 2009
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Old 29 Nov 2008, 21:46   #6
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Dau si eu cu predictiile,actorii sunt in mare parte cei din filmele pe care le-am mentionat la Cele mai bune filme din 2008...

Best Actor - va fi greu de ales doar 5:

Philip Seymour Hoffman - Synecdoche, New York
Richard Jenkins - The Visitor
Brad Pitt - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Andrew Garfield - Boy A
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
Josh Brolin - W.
Sean Penn - Milk
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Leonardo DiCaprio - Revolutionary Road

Best Actress:

Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Kate Beckinsale - Snow Angels
Kristin Scott Thomas - I've loved you so long
Meryl Streep - Doubt
Kate Winslet - Revolutionary Road
Anne Hathaway - Rachel Getting Married

Supporting Actress:

Kate Winslet - The Reader
Sienna Miller - The Edge of Love
Penelope Cruz - Vicky Christina Barcelona
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler
Elsa Zylberstein - I've Loved You So Long
Frances McDormand - Burn After Reading
Taraji P. Henson - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Supporting Actor:

Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight
Ralph Fiennes - The Reader
James Franco - Milk
Dev Patel - Slumdog Millionaire
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
Russel Crowe - Body of Lies
John Malkovich - Burn After Reading
Josh Brolin - Milk
Poate si Tom Wilkinson...

Best Picture:
Slumdog Millionaire
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Revolutionary Road
The Reader

Si s-ar putea sa vedem surpriza si sa fie nominalizate si The Dark Knight si Wall-E. Din cate stiu,singurul film de animatie nominalizat la categoria Best Picture a fost The Beauty and the Beast,dar pe vremea aia nu aveau o categorie a lor.

Best Director:
Cam aceeasi de la best picture

La scenarii originale si adaptate nu prea ma pricep la predictii...probabil The Curious Case..., Slumdog Millionaire, Doubt, The Visitor, Ghost Town, The Reader, Burn After Reading (Desi nu pare a fi their cup of tea), Rachel Getting Married,Snow Angels...

Cel mai bun film de animatie:

Wall-E (dar depinde cum va fi promovat,daca intra la Best Picture nu va mai fi si aici)
Kung-Fu Panda
Madagascar 2
Horton Hears a Who

EDIT: Hai ca mai adaug cateva categorii

Best Director:

David Fincher (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire)
Gus Van Sant (Milk)
Sam Mendes (Revolutionary Road)
Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler)

Best Adapted Screenplay

Eric Roth (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire)
Peter Morgan (Frost/Nixon)
Justin Haythe (Revolutionary Road)
David Hare (The Reader)

Best Original Screenplay

Jenny Lumet (Rachel Getting Married)
Dustin Lance Black (Milk)
Charlie Kaufman (Synecdoche, New York)
Thomas McCarthy (The Visitor)
Robert Siegel (The Wrestler)

Si probabil la Best Original Score castiga Slumdog Millionaire si la make-up The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
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