Thread: Troy
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Old 16 May 2004, 11:43   #13
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Originally Posted by Ilila:
:huh: de cind nu am mai vazut la un film coada la bilete?? ce ar fi putut atrage atitia spectatori? subiectul (interesul fata de legende si mituri)? Brad Pitt? sau distributia, in general?

Cred ca, pur si simplu, romanilor le plac filmele cu lupte legendare (mostenirea lui Sergiu Nicolaescu). In plus, filmul a avut marketingul foarte bine pus la punct si, bineinteles, joaca si Brad Pitt. Oricum, ma indoiesc ca "Troy" va scoate, la noi, mai mult decat "The Passion..."

P.S.: Pentru prima data, dupa mult timp, sunt de acord cu Roger Ebert:

"Troy" is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer, according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue. The movie sidesteps the existence of the Greek gods, turns its heroes into action movie cliches and demonstrates that we're getting tired of computer-generated armies. Better a couple of hundred sweaty warriors than two masses of 50,000 men marching toward one another across a sea of special effects.

Restul articolului scartaie pe alocuri, dar introducerea e buna. Cam asa am vazut si eu filmul...
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