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energie_vie 05 Sep 2013 11:29

Michael Douglas in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps"

"I'll make you a deal. You stop telling lies about me and I'll stop telling the truth about you."

MikkaelWolfganger 05 Sep 2013 13:33

Napoleon Dynamite

victor 23 Sep 2013 12:56


Nick Augustine catre Boyd Crowder: I'm gonna need Google translator on my phone if I'm gonna keep talking to you.

sigalia 24 Jun 2014 23:57

Contextul e urmatorul : un domn proaspat parasit de consoarta isi angajeaza menajera o pustoaica.Copila face curatenie in casa ascultand muzica ;ea nu folosete aspirator,doar matura.Tipul e in banca lui, dar ea vrea sa-i ofere si alte servicii.
Prima replica e a fetei :

P.S.Filmul - "Une femme de menage" - e demential .Are un umor de mare clasa si o morala pe masura.Daca as fi fost barbat,invatam urgent sa-mi calc singur camasile.:P

victor 22 Jul 2014 23:13

"A lot of people are stupid and still live full, productive lives" - Orange is the new black - recomand

omudindulap 27 Jul 2014 20:31

B: So you took a chance on being happy, even though you knew that later on you would be sad.
L: Yeah.
B: And now... you're sad.
L: Yeah.
B: So... what's the problem?
L: I'm too sad.... Look, I liked the feeling of being in love with her. I liked it. But now she's gone and I miss her and it sucks. And I didn't think it was going to be this bad, and I feel like, why even be happy if it's just going to lead to this, you know? It wasn't worth it.
B: You know, misery is wasted on the miserable.
L: What?
B: You know, I'm not entirely sure what your name is, but you are a classic idiot. You think spending time with her, kissing her, having fun with her, you think that's what it was all about? That was love?
L: Yeah.
B: THIS is love. Missing her, because she's gone. Wanting to die.... You're so lucky. You're like a walking poem. Would you rather be some kind of a fantasy? Some kind of a Disney ride? Is that what you want? Don't you see? This is the good part. This is what you've been digging for all this time. Now you finally have it in your hand, this sweet nugget of love, sweet, sad love, and you want to throw it away. You've got it all wrong.
L: I thought this was the bad part.
B: No! The bad part is when you forget her, when you don't care about her, when you don't care about anything. The bad part is coming, so enjoy the heartbreak while you can, for God's sakes. Pick up the dog poop, would you please? Lucky sonofabitch. I haven't had my heart broken since Marilyn walked out on me, since I was 35 years old. What I would give to have that feeling again.... You know, I'm not really sure what your name is, but you may be the single most boring person I have ever met. No offense. :)


alali 28 Jul 2014 23:33

aNdreea93p 24 Aug 2014 20:19

- What do you do if someone you love lets you down? Really fucks you over.
- You must try to stop loving them.
- And is that possible?
- No, I don’t think so.

victor 02 Sep 2014 23:04

We're only fucking at the office. We're taking it slow - Episodes

MariaMona 12 Sep 2014 16:43

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 2566

alali 15 Sep 2014 18:31

Este o replica memorabila pentru orice barbat... =))

Si daca as fi auzit-o de 100 de ori intr-un film tot nu as fi "repelat-o" ca acum, desprinsa din context ....

Namaste 05 Aug 2015 17:33

- And what would you do if I got lost?
- I would look for you. I would look every girl in the eyes, you know?
- Every girl?
- Yes...
- Some would have your eyes.
- Eyes?
- Others your lips.
- Lips?
- Yes, others would have your hair. Some would be very serious, others in a good mood. Some would play tennis, or would be always in a hurry for dinner, but none of them would be you. And I would think... that someone stole you. And I would place advertisements in all the newspapers of the world and on every wall and every poster pillar in the world, that I am looking for you. And... And I would offer a huge reward, but no one would believe me. Because no one treats people who are in love seriously.
- Excuse me?

Do widzenia, do jutra

saiaj 10 Aug 2015 18:55

Doua rapide:

Faimoasa replica din Burebista:

- Sa nu ne plecam genunchii nicioadata, in fata nimanui!!!
- Nici chiar in fata zeilor?
- Nici!!!

Si inca un schimb din "Trepte pe cer":

(O gagica catre Dinica):

Ea: Incearca sa ierti.
El: Incearca sa nu mai gresesti, e mult mai usor.

1MicuCelUmilSiViril 22 Aug 2015 09:41

Originally Posted by sigalia:

P.S.Filmul - "Une femme de menage" - e demential .Are un umor de mare clasa si o morala pe masura.Daca as fi fost barbat,invatam urgent sa-mi calc singur camasile.:P

Mie mi-au placut replicile care il privesc pe prietenul lor de la tara, de exemplu aceea cu portretele de pui. E fenomenala!

Namaste 22 Jun 2017 21:54

"you fit into me
like a hook into an eye

a fish hook
an open eye"

The Handmaid's Tale

Cretzulynne 12 Jul 2017 10:43

Cu dedicatie, va stiti voi :x

- Gandeste-te ca scrii o poveste.
- Ce fel de poveste ?
- De genul: "A fost odata ca niciodata, cand m-am trezit, m-am pisat, am tras una mica sub dus..."
- Cum ma ajuta asta ?
- Nu stiu. Povestile ne ajuta sa-netelgem lumea.
- Nu stiu sa spun povesti.
- Zi una pe care o stii.
- Ce zici de "Razboi si Pacea" ?
- E o poveste. Totusi as incepe cu ceva mai simplu. Ce zici de "Cei trei ursuleti" ?
- Ok. A fost odata ca-n povesti, o fetita pe nume Goldilocks.
- Si apoi ?
- Si apoi... Nu stiu frate. A mancat-o lupul. A dat camionul peste ea. E o prostie.
- Incepi cu sfarsitul. Nu poti sa spui o poveste daca nu stii cum se termina. Si lasa lupul. Aia e "Scufita Rosie".
- Cei trei ursi o gasesc pe Goldilocks dormind in patul lor si apoi, ea pleaca.
- Exact. Bun, asta e sfarsitul. Ce s-a intamplat inainte ?
- Unu zice: "Cineva a dormit in patul meu, dar ea e inca acolo."
- Iar inainte a zis: "Cineva sta in scaunul meu."
- Da, si scaunul puiului de urs nu mai e la locul lui.
- Dupa aia ne-ntoarcem la ea cand intra pe usa.
- Mai intai merge prin padure.
- Ordinea e buna. Trebuie sa incepi cu sfarsitul. Noteaza asta.

(The Lookout, 2007)

Cretzulynne 15 Jul 2017 10:14

For restarting :D

Asa! Zi-le! B-)

Namaste 03 Sep 2017 15:24

Je revois l'appartement. Il y a vingt ans. C'est curieux : je pourrais vous décrire minutieusement chaque mur. Pourtant, les meubles, je les ai complètement oubliés. Mais complètement. Je revois le mur du salon face a la fenêtre. Ce matin du mois d'août, tout bascula. Maria était sortie faire des courses. Je regardais les photos. Il devait y en avoir une centaine. Sur ces photos, il n'y avait qu'elle et moi. Je ne sais pas si vous vous rendez compte. Aimer et être aimé peut faire de la vie un enfer. Entre nous, il n'y avait même pas eu un soupçon de haine. Et vous savez pourquoi ? Car a chaque fois qu'on voyait apparaître un nuage sur notre amour, on se prenait en photo, et le bonheur était aussitôt de retour. Mais tous les excès se payent, a la longue. Car plus je faisais de photos, plus j'avais de mal a me reconnaître. Et un jour, je me suis regardé dans le miroir et je ne me suis pas reconnu. Pas du tout.

Trois vies et une seule mort

Qube86 19 Nov 2017 10:54

”Mereu am crezut că educația înseamnă să înveți să gândești singur.”

– Dead poets society

Namaste 17 Apr 2019 10:39

- Plec. Întârzii și nici pe mine n-o să m-aștepte cineva la nesfârșit.
- Dar tu crezi că merită?
- Ce să merite?
- Să te-ntâlnești cu cineva care nu te-așteaptă până vii, la nesfârșit...
- Pa.
- Pa.

(Sfârșitul nopții, Mircea Veroiu, 1982)

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